Unit 3 – Supporting Children

E1. Five pieces of current legislation are: 1. Sex Discrimination Act 1975 2. Equality Act 2006 3. Childcare Act 2006 4. Race Relations Act 2000 5. Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 E2. The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 states that we should not discriminate on the grounds of gender and that both genders should be treated equally with the same rights. This means that practitioners should involve boys and girls in all activities and should not make comments such as ‘Girls are more sensible than boys’. Equality Act 2006 provides a legal framework to protect the rights of individuals and advance equality of opportunity for all.
That means that practitioners should treat all children as an individual and give children equal opportunities as children have individual needs that should be met. Childcare Act 2006 incorporates the welfare standards with which all settings registered to work with children under 8 years must comply, and also provides a learning framework for children aged 0-5 years called the Early Years Foundation Stage. The welfare requirements affect much of the day-to-day practice within settings, for example the adult to child ratio in rooms.
Race Relations Act amended 2000 apply to discrimination on the grounds of colour, race, nationality and ethnic and national origins. It states that practitioners should give equal opportunities to all children no matter what their race, nationality and ethnic origin is. Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 states that practitioners should not treat disabled children less favourably than other children. It also states that schools must ensure that they make reasonable adjustments to ensure that children with disabilities are not placed at a disadvantage.

E3. Safeguarding is defined as: All agencies working with children, young people and their families taking all reasonable measures to ensure that the risks of harm to children’s welfare are minimized. Policies and Procedures will help safeguard children by making sure that all steps are taken to protect children and young people from harm. To ensure this create an environment in the setting which encourages children to develop a positive self-image, regardless of race, language, religion culture and home background.
Encourage children to develop a sense of autonomy and independence and enable children to have the self-confidence and the vocabulary to resist inappropriate approaches. Following the correct procedures in the setting is essential because if there is an accident and you have followed all the correct procedures then the accident is not your fault; however if you haven’t followed the correct procedures then you are responsible for any accidents that happen and the consequences are your fault. Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 states that practitioners should not treat disabled children less favourably than other children.
It also states that schools must ensure that they make reasonable adjustments to ensure that children with disabilities are not placed at a disadvantage Another policy that will safeguard children is Health and Safety Policy. This policy aims to ensure that settings both inside and outside are secure, safe and healthy place for children, parents, staff and other people to be around in. This policy also aims to prevent accidents, injuries and ill-health, and it makes sure all staff is aware of potential hazards within the setting and the surrounding environment. E4.
An Inclusion policy ensures that all pupils are fully included in all aspects of school life and have an equal opportunity no matter what their gender, religion, race, background, specific difficulty or physical ability is. This policy aims to support the individual needs of each and every child recognising their rights and raising awareness. By having a relations or partnership with parents’ policy in place a setting, helps a setting to recognise that parents and carers are the first educators of their children. “Parents are children’s first and most enduring educators.
When parents and practitioners work together in early years settings, the results have a positive impact on children’s development and learning. ” Commitment 2. 2 Parents as Partners, EYFS The policy’s aim is to work in partnership with parents and carers in providing an environment that supports and involves them in the setting. A setting can do this by informing parents of how the setting operates, opening times and policies and procedures through written information on notice boards and involve parents in the shared development record keeping about their child and ensure they have access to their child’s developmental records..
Another policy that is provided to promote fair, just and inclusive strategies is ‘Equal Opportunities’. This policy is designed to provide opportunities for all people to achieve according to efforts and abilities. This policy means individuals will be catered for and they will be given equality of opportunity no matter what disability, ethnic origin, medical condition, gender, special educational need, religion and age. As a practitioner working in a setting you must understand that everyone is equal and everyone has different needs and abilities. E5.
One strategy which my setting uses to empower children to develop independence and self reliance is arrival time. When children arrive to school they have few jobs to do before they sit down on the carpet. Firstly what they have to do is put their book bags in correct box Hares, Rabbit or Reading Group Box it depends on which group they are in and whether it is their turn to read. To find out if it is their turn to read they look up on the reading board to see if their picture is up. Once they have done this they have to do the same with their lunch boxes.
Then its time to find their pegs and hang up their coats. All children have their own pegs with their picture and name on them which makes it easier for children to find their pegs. Finally children say goodbye to their parents and sit down on the carpet in their sitting spaces. Another strategy that my setting uses to empower children to develop independence and self reliance is ‘Special Helper Day or sometimes called VIP day. All children in the classroom have a turn to be a VIP. Children have special jobs to do when it is their turn to be VIP. In the morning the teachers tells children who the
VIP is and give children a VIP sticker. Then children are asked to take the register and money basket to the office and on the way back to get the fruit box. Throughout the day VIP’s are responsible for giving the fruit and milk out at snack time and during the day the help the teacher in simple task such as giving the paper out or putting pencil trays on the tables. E6. Transition is a time of change, when children pass through the various stages of life. For the baby this can mean being weaned from milks to solid foods, and for the child it means starting nursery and then school.
There are many strategies and examples of how childcare settings can prepare children for transfer or transition. These are listed below: Parents can become as anxious as their children about the move to a new class. Practitioners will regularly have meetings for ‘new parents’ before their children start school. Also, most mainstream provisions have meetings when parents can meet their child’s new teachers; where staff can talk to parents formally about the routines and informally to get to know each other.
It is an opportunity to show parents the layout of the setting, and all the practical things which parents need to know about and for them to meet new staff. Reading books, leaflets, brochures and hearing stories that deal with the subject of transition will prepare and support children. This helps to familiarise children with the transition process and helps minimise the fear of the unknown. Some children whose second language is not English will find it difficult to communicate or interpret the information provided and the setting will need an interpreter to ease the child’s transition.
Ensuring that all documentation about a child is organised and ready to be passed on to a parent/carer or other professionals as appropriate to the situation- For example a key person may hand on a child’s developmental records. Children having comfort objects brought from home will ensure that a child has a smoother transition. Having a comfort object offers children psychological comfort and security especially in unique or unusual situations and also encourages independence.
Allowing plenty of opportunities for children to express their feelings and emotions through imaginative and expressive play will ease transition and develop self help skills. Imaginative play helps children to work out ‘real life situations’ which then helps them to replay the situations which helps children to create solutions to life which is essential for early childhood onwards. Expressive play helps children to release their emotions which will help a child who has just started in a setting to feel more confident.
It will help to learn to express emotion more effectively. By having information given by the parent/carer a setting will be more aware of a child’s particular needs or requirements therefore this partnership is crucial. The role of the key person is also important to provide stability for the child and security for the child. E7. Discrimination can occur because some people can have very stereotypical attitudes by having a judgemental approach against children they don’t know and they then assume they know what the children are capable of.
Assuming you know what the children are capable of can lead to telling them they can’t do certain activities that other children are doing, when actually they may be capable of it, however even if they aren’t they should be given a chance to try the activity and develop their skills, if they are struggling. Discrimination against any child regardless of their needs can make them feel isolated and different to other children. Very often children with special needs have a very difficult time trying to fit in with other children especially if they are in a mainstream school.
All children can be very unintentionally cruel to one another and should be helped to understand that everyone is different and how this is good. Example: In our setting we promote inclusion and we treat everyone the same and explain to other children “we are alike but different. ” A lot of discrimination can be caused by school children thinking they are better than other children. Children don’t understand that everyone is equal and have the same right. Most often children make comments about other children that come up under discrimination. For example they may say: ‘I don’t want to play with black children’.
This will make children that are different ethnic background feel different, and picked on. They may feel lonely and left out as other children don’t want to play with them because there skin colour is different. “Children who are discriminated against may not feel they are valued and so may lose confidence, or they may find that other people have low expectations of what they can achieve. This may mean that they are not given the opportunity to acquire new skills or try out new activities as it is assumed they will not be able to cope” (Tassoni et al. 2005 Page 82. (Children’s Care Learning and Development Level 2, Heinemann, Page 82) D1. There are many issues relating to practice which support children to prepare for transitions. Gathering Information about the setting. It is useful to find out information about school/nursery before parents make a decision which school/nursery to send their child to. Parents can look up the information on the setting’s website where they can get some background information. They may also read Brochures/Prospectus. These can be useful as they may contain photographs which will be easier for children to visualise where they are going.
Parents can also make a phone call to get some more information about the setting; they could also arrange a visit to the setting. Parents could also ask other parents about the setting as other parents may have children that go to the certain setting. However these would be just opinions from other parents. Talking about school with children It is important to talk with children about school, discussing what it might be like and what will happen during the day. To do this effectively, it may be helpful to school or the teacher who will work with the child to find out some more information about the routine.
It is important to avoid building overly unrealistic expectations about what school will be like, as a child’s disappointment when the first day is not as they expected may have an effect on settling in process. Visits to school It is beneficial for a child to visit school before starting. Many schools/nurseries offer visits to school/classroom or when the child is moving to the toddler room etc. The more times that a child can visit the place that the child will be moving to the better as the child will get familiar with the setting and will get used to the routine , other children and teachers.
Partnership with Parents It’s important that the setting has a partnership with the child parents, as the parents of the child may worry/panic about their child going into a new environment. For example, the setting could have a coffee morning where stay and play sessions can take place to the parents can watch their child play. The child’s self help skills will also have a link with their parents, For example, if a child still uses a potty the parent of the child and the child’s teacher will work together to motivate the child to use the toilet.
By working together with parents practitioners can find out more information about children such as child’s interest, dietary requirements or if the child needs any special help. D2. Listening to children By listening to children, children will realise that others value what they have to say and therefore children will feel accepted as individuals with their own feelings and thoughts. There are many ways that early learning and child care practitioners can help children to feel heard. During circle times children can be encouraged to share their personal stories, opinions and feelings.
Practitioners can encourage children to speak by asking questions, which will give them the chance to speak and to elaborate. When children’s questions are taken seriously they feel validated and comfortable to seek answers. Taking child’s interests into the account If a child demonstrates interest in something, practitioners can follow up by offering more opportunities for children to try activities related to his/her interests. By following up on the discussion initiated by the child’s question, it shows the child that the practitioner has heard and appreciated his expression of interest.
Empowering children to seek answers engages them in the learning process. Giving children choices When children are given some guided choices appropriately and gradually or whenever possible rather than given commands all the time this helps to build up their decision making ability and self confidence. This is by far better than giving commands alone as giving children commands in upbringing stifles the child’s decision making ability which may result in an overly dependant mindset and a general lack of self confidence.
B. Assuming what children are capable of can affect children because practitioners may judge them and treat them differently, and children will eventually notice that they are being treated differently which will affect their self –esteem and their social and emotional development. When a child feels that way they may stop trying to achieve or only attempt tasks half-heartedly. They may withdraw from activities and/or the group. This is a self-fulfilling prophecy-the less a child tries, the more likely they are to fail.
This reinforces their belief that they will fail and they may try even less as a result. ‘’Discrimination of any kind prevents children and young people from developing a feeling of self-worth or self esteem. The effects of being discriminated against can last the whole of a child’s life. ‘’ C. Meggitt 2007 page 155 If a child is the subject of discrimination, they may have a lack of confidence as a result. But there are also additional issues that may have impact on their learning. Children who are discriminated against are not given equal opportunities in comparison to their peers.
This can limit children’s experiences and relationships which in turn affects their learning. “Children who are discriminated against may not feel they are valued and so may lose confidence, or they may find that other people have low expectations of what they can achieve. This may mean that they are not given the opportunity to acquire new skills or try out new activities as it is assumed they will not be able to cope” Children’s Care Learning and Development Level 2, Heinemann, Page 82.
If children are not given equal opportunities to attend settings, participate fully in activities and have their needs met, they are unlikely to learn effectively as children who do not experience discrimination and are therefore treated superiorly. Children are discriminated for a range different reasons for example: A practitioner will not allow boys to play with dolls and the home corner because she thinks they are girls’ toys. A wheelchair user is encouraged to read a book inside while the other children go outside to play because the practitioner thinks they will not be able to join in with the physical activities.
Children may discriminate against other children on account of their differences; this is often the form of name-calling and teasing, and may be directed at children who are either fatter or thinner than others in the group, or who wear different clothes, have a disability or are bilingual . Discrimination against any child regardless of their needs can make them feel isolated and different to other children. Very often children with special needs have a very difficult time trying to fit in with other children especially if they are in a mainstream school.
All children can be very unintentionally cruel to one another and should be helped to understand that everyone is different and how this is good. Example: In our setting we promote inclusion and we treat everyone the same and explain to other children “we are alike but different. ” C. One theoretical perspective which supports the development of strategies for empowering children is Albert Bandura’s theory. Bandura used the term ‘self efficacy’ to consider the extent in which children believe in themselves. A child with a high self-efficacy believes that they are capable of doing activities and they feel more confident.
As a child with low self-efficacy has a low self-esteem and will not feel comfortable about some activities. They may make assumption that the activity is too hard and they can’t do it before even starting it. A. The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 has influenced working practices within the early year’s settings as Schools and nurseries need to ensure that nobody is discriminated on the grounds of gender. The settings needs to ensure that nor boys or girls are discriminated in the provision of play activities or during routines.
In my placement we plan activities where all the children, boys and girls, are able to take part, for example, dressing up. ‘’The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 makes it unlawful to treat a person less favourably than a member of the other sex’’ http://www. dba. org. uk/pdfs/120-3%20Sex%20Discrimination%20Act. pdf In my setting I have seen that there is a lot of legislation in place to protect and safeguard children, their parents and families. I have found that the legislation plays part on the work practices when in the setting and it reflects on the setting’s policies and procedures.
For Example; at my setting we have a policy on behaviour that states no physical punishment is allowed because the Human Right says children and adults have the right of dignity. The Equality Act 2006 has influenced working practices within the early year’s setting as now every setting has an equal opportunities policy which aims to ensure that every member of the school community is given an equal opportunity to achieve their full potential . It also aims to offer equal opportunities regardless of race, culture, gender orientation, academic ability, physical ability or class.
Provide an environment free from social, sexual or cultural prejudice for all members of our school community. Achieve an environment in which members of the school community can be respected as individuals and in which the varied experiences of the community can enrich the life of the school. Race Relations Act 2000 has influences working practices today as every settings take this Act in to the account that racial discriminatory practice is unaccepted . The Act was introduced to make discriminatory practice illegal in the United Kingdom.
In practice this will mean that an organisation must be alert on how a setting promotes their service, recruits staff and make the service genuinely accessible to all. The Act defines two types of discrimination: 1. Direct Discrimination – where a person or organisation treats another person less favourably because of their colour, race, ethnic or racial origin. 2. Indirect Discrimination – where apparently everyone receives the same treatment, but where that treatment disadvantages people from a certain racial group.
Following the Act the Commission for Racial Equality was established in order to help enforce the act, and also to advise the Government and others on issues concerning it. “The Race Relations Act 1976 and its amendment Act 2000 and the Children Act 1989 place duties on Local Authorities and others to carry out their functions with due regard to the need to promote equality of opportunity and to provide racially, culturally and linguistically appropriate. ‘’ http://www. durham-lscb. gov. k/Procedures/appendix5. shtml The Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 strengthened the right of children with disabilities to attend mainstream educational facilities. It is unlawful for any school to discriminate against any disabled children or parents. Ofsted inspectors are now checking that schools are complying with the SENDA and are making sure that children with disabilities have the same rights as other people. The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 cover all four UK nations.
It defines a disabled person as ‘someone who has a physical or mental impairment which is substantial and long term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day –to-day activities. Each nation has their own legislation to ensure that children with specific needs are assessed and have their needs met in most appropriate way. Settings are required to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ by either changing policy, providing alternative ways to access a provision, or by addressing physical features which make a service impossible or unreasonably difficult for disabled people to use.
For example settings can make their provision more accessible by having downstairs toilets, wider doors and ramps to the front doors. Bibliography Author| Date of publication| Title| Name of publisher| Tassoni et al| 2007| CACHE Level 3 Child Care and Education 4th Edition| Heinemann| Meggitt C et al| 2011| Children and Young People’s Workforce| Hodder Education| Miranda Walker| 2006| Child Care , Learning and Development| Nelson Thornes| Websites http://www. dba. org. uk/pdfs/120-3%20Sex%20Discrimination%20Act. pdf http://www. durham-lscb. gov. uk/Procedures/appendix5. shtml

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