Best College GPA Calculator


Want to calculate your college course grades? Our easy to use college GPA calculator will help you calculate your GPA and stay on top of your study grades in just minutes! Whether you are taking degree courses online or are on a community college campus, no matter what degree course or specialized study you are aiming for – we’ve got you covered.

College GPA Calculator

Want to calculate your college course grades? Our easy to use college GPA calculator will help you calculate your GPA and stay on top of your study grades in just minutes! Whether you are taking degree courses online or are on a community college campus, no matter what degree course or specialized study you are aiming for – we’ve got you covered.

College GPA Calculator – Instructions

Find your GPA within minutes with these quick steps:

    Add Your Letter Grade

    Add Your Class Credits

    Calculate your GPA

1. Add Your Letter Grade

You can select your current letter grade or experiment with a grade estimate to figure out your GPA. To get your grade, you can ask your teacher, as most are happy to give you your grade before the final report card. However, for the grades you cannot confirm, you can estimate and choose a grade. Grades can range from A+ to an F on the 4.0 Scale. For each class, choose a letter grade from the drop-down menu.College GPA Calculator

2. Add Your Class Credits

Enter the grade and earned credit for each class. For example, if you have earned A for a 4 credit class, then enter 4 in the box next to the “A.” You can add both weighted and unweighted high school classes. Your weighted classes receive extra points on the GPA scale. Unweighted classes are regular and do not carry any extra points.

Continue to enter counts of all your grades earned in coursework. Your “Semester GPA” is calculated and shown above “Add another class” button. Your GPA will be calculated for all the subjects and grades you enter. It’s alright if you have fewer than 5 classes to enter. If you have more than 5 classes, you can click the “Add another class” button as many times as you need. Add “Add another semester” button if you need to add more semester.

3. Calculate Your GPA

Your “Overall GPA” for all semesters is calculated and shown at the bottom of the class list below “Add another semester” button – it’s that easy! The semester GPA and aggregate cumulative GPA will keep updating at the bottom of the page as you keep adding letter grade and class weight. You can add multiple semesters to figure out aggregate and per semester weighted GPA. Follow these steps and you’re well on your way to creating your very own report card!

How to use the GPA Calculator

  • Locate your prior cumulative GPA and enter it in the ‘Prior Cumulative GPA’ input. This can be found on your last recent report card prior to this semester and represents your GPA to this point. If you don’t have a prior GPA, you can skip ahead to step 3.
  • From your most recent report card, determine how many credits you have already completed before this semester and enter it in ‘Number of Prior Completed’. This value is very important for determining your overall GPA. The more classes you’ve already taken, the harder it will be to move your GPA up or down this semester.
  • Select your letter grade for each course this semester ranging from an A to an F
  • Select the number of credit hours for the corresponding class. Typically college classes are three or four credit hours.
  • Click the “Calculate your GPA” button to see your cumulative and semester GPA

How your GPA is calculated

This calculator uses the (4.0) four point GPA scale outlined in the tables below in order to convert your letter grades to numerical points. Your semester’s GPA is calculated as the sum all the points earned, divided by the total number of course credits taken. You may optionally calculate your cumulative GPA through this semester by entering it in the prior semester input boxes. The cumulative calculation will only be accurate if you also enter the total number of classes taken in prior semesters. This information can be found on your previous report card.

Why College GPA is important

College GPA

Many of us haven’t thought about how a regular check-up on our College GPA can actually be important and beneficial. College GPA (Grade Point Average) determines how well you’ve done in your studies, and it is shown as the average of all of your grades and credit hours that you’ve acquired throughout the term. Since there are a lot of different courses, especially in the first two years, and the workload is pretty heavy, you have to make sure your grades are on track.

Why is it important to pay attention to your College GPA throughout the term? If you are currently in your Undergraduate studies and would like to take the next step and enroll into a Graduate or Master’s program, you’ll want to have your College GPA on the high side. If you calculate everything in a timely manner and see how you are doing, there will always be the chance for you to fix anything that might have gone downhill and raise your chances for a better Overall College GPA. Make sure you are always on the top of your game and calculate regularly with our College GPA Calculator!

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