Strategy Map Analysis

Step 1) Review the following resources before creating the memo:

Week 5 Grading Rubric
Memo Template & Format Guidelines
Guide to Peer-Reviewed References & APA Formatting
Strategy Maps section on page 353 in Ch. 10 of Organizational Change

Step 2) Understand that the assumption underlying strategy maps in for-profit organizations is that financial outcomes are the end goals that they are striving for and that other objectives within the change program should be aligned to produce and support those desired outcomes. If particular activities and the objectives don’t support the changes, they should be seriously questioned and either dropped or reduced in importance.
Step 3) Consider a change initiative that you know is currently being researched for adoption, or that you want to have considered for adoption, by an organization with which you are familiar. 
Step 4) Prepare a memo of at least 700 words written in the third person voice, and address the following issues. You must address the following topics below using the section headers (labels) in bold:

Section 1- Introduction  (<– this is a section header) – describes what the memo is going to be about; it mentions the upcoming sections.
Section 2- Description of Change Initiative (<– this is a section header) – In this section, describe a change initiative that is currently being researched for adoption, or one that they want considered for adoption by an organization with which they are familiar
Section 3- Vision Impact to Financial Results (<– this is a section header) – In this section, identify how the completed vision change would look in regards to financial results.
Section 4- Initiatives from a Customer Service Perspective (<– this is a section header) – In this section, explain which initiatives have to be undertaken from a customer service perspective to deliver on the value proposition in ways that generate the desired financial results.
Section 5- Changes from an Internal Business Process Perspective (<– this is a section header) – In this section, describe what changes need to be made from an internal business process perspective to accomplish these customer or financial outcome efficiencies.
Section 6- Changes from a Learning & Growth Perspective (<– this is a section header) – In this section, describe the changes that need to be made from a learning and growth perspective to increase the organization’s capacity to do what is needed.
Section 7- Strategy Map (<– this is a section header) – The student designs a strategy map to illustrate the analysis modeled after Figures 10.3 and 10.4 from the Organizational Change text. Explain its components.
Section 8- References (<– this is a section header) – have at least 2 peer-reviewed sources in addition to the Organizational Change text, for a total of 3 peer-reviewed/scholarly references in APA format (with authors and dates). The references are incorporated throughout the memo with correct APA in-text citations.

Step 5) Post your assignment as a Microsoft® Word document.

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