SPD 510 WK 5 Benchmark-Case Study

Review the “Case Study: Stephen.”

In an essay of 1,000-1,250  words, use your foundational knowledge of the special education process  and related issues to describe your recommendations for assisting the  case study student. Include the following in your essay: 

Detail  the steps you recommend be taken, including the roles of the specific  stakeholders who legally and ethically need to be involved in  determining and implementing those next steps.

Explain the  ethical dilemma in providing Stephen an education that will allow him to  flourish, including why moving LRE placements is not an option at this  time due to the standard special education process. 

Incorporate the CEC  Ethical Principals and Professional Practice Standards into your  analysis and explanation.

Discuss the possible involvement of  paraeducators, tutors, volunteers, or related service providers. If  paraeducators, tutors, or volunteers were brought into the classroom to  assist Stephen, what guidance and direction would you provide to those  stakeholders?

Discuss legal, ethical, and quality requirements  related to managing confidential student information when working with  paraeducators, tutors, or volunteers.

Support your findings with 3-5 additional scholarly resources. 

Case Study: Stephen

Stephen is a young
boy with autism who receives most of his education in
classroom. He
speaks in one-and two-word utterances and can say “book,” “food,”
“more,” “hi,” and “drink.” However, his
mode of communication is a picture-
exchange system. 
Although Stephen has
demonstrated that he
enjoys group activities, he
has lately 
begun biting
his fellow students.
addition, he has begun pinching his teacher during 
one-on-one instruction. After he engages in one of these behaviors, he yells, “It hurts!” 
and starts laughing.
A behavior analyst has conducted a structured interview as part
of a
functional behavior 
assessment for Stephen. The teacher and parents’ responses indicate that the function of 
Stephen’s aggressive behaviors is to seek
Keeping this information in mind, the
analyst needs
Stephen’s general
education teacher, Ms. Gonzales,
has recorded data regarding the 
frequency of
his behaviors, but with inconsistency as she is the only adult in
classroom.  The special education teacher, Mr. Kuchar, has not been able to
spend much
time in the inclusion classroom to support Stephen and Ms. Gonzales and to
Stephen’s behavior. Ms.
Gonzales has requested
a meeting with
the Child Study Team to 
discuss the
possibility of changing
Ms. Gonzales frequently communicates with
Stephen’s parents and has mentioned a
possible placement change to them.  Stephen’s parents do not want him to be pulled out 
of the inclusion classroom even though other
students are
being hurt.
Currently, there are 
five other students
in the inclusion classroom who receive special education services
behavior issues.  Stephen’s behaviors are the most severe.  Ms. Gonzales does not feel 
she can
effectively meet Stephen’s needs
with regards to
his behaviors and keep the other
students from being
Mr. Kuchar agrees that Stephen needs
to be placed in 
a different classroom to
his needs; however, he has realized
that there is inconsistent data collected thus far to
support this
school principal also
agrees with the suggestion
of a
change and has asked Mr. Kuchar to set up a meeting to discuss

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