Answer the questions to Scenarios 1 and 2 below. Please select the delivery option of your choice and label each as Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 when providing your answer.
Scenario 1
You have been asked to help out on some enhancement requests for the website that customers use to review their medical claims information. The original website was implemented about six months ago and has a long backlog of enhancement requests. The project manager has given you two specific enhancements to work on and the names of who you should talk to about their requirements.
The names include
The web self-service manager
The customer service manager
The director of customer service

Who do you meet with first and why?
Explain what is your objective in meeting with this person?
What questions do you plan to ask at the beginning the interview? List at least three.

Scenario 2
You have been asked to work on a new project for the audit operations team. This team would like to automate some of their work and needs your help to identify what should be automated and some possible solutions. You have already met with the operations manager to understand the pain points and the goals of the automation efforts. When you asked the operations manager what teams or areas were dependent on his team, he answered:
“Well, there are many teams dependent on our work. It depends on what exception occurred in the audit, and what team has the skills and resources to handle it.”

What probing questions would you ask next? List 3-5 probing questions.

Students will choose one of the following options to deliver the SLP questions.

A written MS Word paper consisting of 2-3 pages answering to both scenarios, excluding cover page and references.
A 10-slide PowerPoint Presentation or Prezi with detailed presenter notes, references, and including graphics.

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