Mployee Relations Against A Changing Background Management Essay

Employee is the key element of an organization. The success of the organization depends much on the employee. Relationship among the employee and employer is an important issue in the present business world. by managing employee relation organization easily manage the organization goals. So the manager should have aware about the nature of employee relation and application on the business. For the overall activities of employee relation a manager have to the nature of conflict and its effect on the employee relationship.

LO1: Understand the context of employee relations against a changing background

Explain the unitary and pluralistic frames of reference (P1)

Unitary reference

In Unitary reference all the employee share their object, interest and purpose. By this way employee can work together, hand to hand. Moreover, unitary is a systematic approach where the entire employee should loyal to other.

(Abbott, k. 2006)

Unitary assumptions and values have played a significant role in three schools of theoretical and practical thought:

theory of scientific management

Human relations theory

Human resource management

Pluralistic reference

Pluralists reference start from a set of view, assumption and values in which workplace conflict is inventible. Administration and workers constitute two such groups, who, because of the very nature of the factory system, which are seen as invariably subscribing to different values and objectives.

(Abbott, k. 2006)

Evaluate how the changes in trade unionism in the 20th century have affected employee relations within the organization (P2)

Innovation of trade is old like human history but trade union come to form in the18th century. This becomes very powerful in the 19th century trade union come to form to maintain the interest of the business man.

In the very first of the 20th century trade union become very powerful. in 1901 a bill was passed in the court that a tare union can sue against any organization or person for which organization become bound to give the proper right to the employee.

From 1923-1929britain faces the conservation government in that time some general stick was held by the trade union which make the trade union more powerful and for this the unlimited freedom of management began to decrease.

During the 1920s old industries like coal mining were declining. So in 1921 employers cut wages. In 1926 they proposed to cut wages and increase working hours. But the trade union protect against it. in the may 26 in 1926 a general stick held against it a processing also held where some employee died for which we observe the may day. By this the way trade union affects the employee relation

(businesscasestudies, 2012).

Explain the role of 4 main players in employee relations of an organization (P3)

The main four player of an organization are chief exceptive officer, human resource manager, employee trainee and department head. All he persons play some incredible rule to maintain the employee relation. Their role are describe below

Role of department head:

Department head paly some important role to build up a unique relationship between the employee. A department head observed all the activities of the employee under his department which is very helpful to crate relationship. On the other hand he also monitors the relationship among the employees.

Role of HR manager in employee relation:

Human Resource Manager can develop the relationship by providing enough information, managing workforce engagement, and job design and so on

Role of employee trainee in employee relation: by provide the proper training employee trainee ensure the proper employee relation.

Role of financials manager:

By making suitable wages and salary policy financial manager help to maintain employee relationship

Why do you think the field of ‘Industrial Relations’ has been replaced with the name ‘Employee Relations’ over the years? Give examples to support your answer (M1)

Industrial relation means the relation between industries and employee relation means the relation among the employee, employer and management. The term industrial relation has been replaced with the name f the employee relation .i support this statement for the below reasons

Industrial relation replaced by the employee relation because RE concept is much helpful to the firm

Employee relation is easier to understand for the general employee.

industrial relation is not so much effective than the employee relation

now employee is consider the core element of any organization for which industrial relation replaced

The value of industrial relation can’t maintain the better relationship.

(naukrihub ,2012).

LO2: Understand the nature of industrial conflict and its resolution

Explain the procedures an organization should follow when dealing with different conflict situations

Every organization faces many types of conflict. Many organizations maintain a code of procedure to solve the workplace conflict.

The procedure of dealing with different conflict situation maintain three steps

Indentify causes of conflict

Identify the way of solve conflict situation

Ways of implement solving procedure

Conflict solve procedure

Armstrong, M,(2003),

Identify the causes of conflict:

For many causes conflict can arise in an organization. the most common reason are given below

sexual harassment in the organization is the prime cause of employee conflict

conflict may be arises for the leadership problems

past problem which can’t solve in the proper tome can be the cause of conflict

unhealthy and risky working condition

unplanned communication system

lack of proper training

Identify the ways of solving conflict:

Conflict must be solving for the organization further success and maintain proper employee relation. There are many ways to solving the conflict of the organization. Those are

ensuring the safety and healthy workplace manager can solve workplace conflict

giving reward for maintaining employee relation

giving the wages and salary in time

by maintain proper communication system

managing NO HARASMENT policies in all sectors of the business

by employee empowerment business can solve workplace conflict

Ways to implement solving procedure:

There are many ways to implement the solving measures. An organization can implement the solving procedure by the following ways

by taking open decision from all of the members of the organization because many innovative ideas may come from general members

make a conversation with the Human Resource Manager of the organization and employee representative

by managing all business records

Making formal commitment about the employee right organization can solve the conflict.

Explain the key features of employee relations in a real life conflict situation of British American Tobago (BAT)

British American Tobago is very conscious about the employee relation because this company knows that the overall success of an organization depends much on the proper employee relation. In the real life this company maintains some feature to manage the employee relation. Those features are

evaluate the degree of employee relation

evaluate the contribution of the employee relation to the business success

and evaluate the necessary of employee relation in the real life

In the real life this company thinks that the employee relation depend on the following feature

compensation and payment process

securities and safeties of the employees

how organizational works are manage

and labor management issue

Evaluate the effectiveness of procedures used in a conflict situation from real life organization

Lack of better understanding between the employee and employer and employee and management can refer as workplace conflict. In the above we see that there is a three steps procedure to solve a conflict. But there is a question may arise how effective of this procedures are? The effectiveness can evaluate by the many ways British American Tobago evaluate the effectiveness by the following ways

consumed time to solve a conflict

efficiency of solve of a convict

cost of organization to solve a conflict

measuring the employee relation after solving the conflict the efficiency of the conflict solve procedure measure

Torrington & Hall, (2007),

Present findings from the reasons for conflict between British Airways Cabin Crew staff and management.

British airways are a famous airways industry in the world. This is one of the leading companies in the air way industry. in the recent time there is a conflict arise among the cabin crew staff and management. The reasons of this conflict are given below

cabin crew said that their salary is low in the measurement of their quality

there is a lack of safety

they have no insurance

poor communication

and there is lack of understanding between the cabin crew and manger

LO3: Understand collective bargaining and negotiation processes

Explain the role of negotiation in collective bargaining (P7)

Conflict may arise in the organization for the bargain about any issue of the organization among the employees and management. This problem can solve by the collective bargaining. The definition of collective bargaining is a procedure of negotiation of any current issue of the organization.

Negotiation plays some important role in the collective bargaining. The negotiation is mainly based on the employee salary and safety of the employee. The roles of negotiation in the collective bargaining are

Torrington & Hall, (2007)

negotiation settle the industrial conflict

negotiation decrease the unlimited freedom of the management

by the negotiation employee become satisfied for which the production increase

negotiation create a better relationship between the employee and employer

By the negotiation the interests of the trade union fulfill.

Critically reflect on any current conflict situation of any public or private organization in UK and give clear conclusions on the effectiveness of negotiation process between two parties (D1)

Acas is a rewound organization in the UK. This company is very aware about right of its employee. But recently there is a conflict between the management body of acas and its employee. This conflict happened for many reasons among the lack of equal opportunity, less safety working conditions, unfair treatment, unbearable work load in main

For these problems a conflict arises between the management and employee of acas. But this problem was taken under control by the governing body of acas using the negotiation process. To solve this problem governing body discuss with the human resource manager and identify the causes of conflict then they discuss with the employee representative. After discussion the governing understand the reason of conflict.

Then the governing body takes some decision based on the employee wants and management lacking.

(Acas , 2012)

Evaluate the impact of negotiation strategy of London Transport Association for conflict with Tube workers in recent times. (P8)

Negotiation is very important to solve the conflict. The negotiation is necessary for all types of company as it production based or service based. For this the negotiation plays an important role to solve the conflict between the London Transport Association and its employee. The impact negotiation to solve the conflict of London Transport Association are discuss below

negotiation settle the London Transport Association conflict

negotiation decrease the unlimited freedom of the management of the London Transport Association

by the negotiation employee become satisfied for which the services standard of London Transport Association increases

negotiation create a better relationship between the employee and employer of London Transport Association

By the negotiation the interest of the trade union fulfills. Who work on behalf of the employee of the London Transport Association

LO4: Understand the concept of employee participation and involvement

Evaluate the influence of the EU policies and directives on industrial democracy of workers within the UK (P9)

EU policies influence the industrial democracy of workers of UK. Suppose the anti harassment policy make a women move freely in the workplace. They can join any workplace without mental problem like harassment problem. Trade policy is another derivative of EU which indicates the degree of freedom of an organization. By this policy an organization involve in the international business. Safety and healthy workplace is n important policy of EU by which an industrial freedom is measured. If the workplace is safe for the employee the employee get more democratic right thus EU policies influence the UK employee freedom.

The impact of UN policies in the UK are given below

It protect the sunrise company of UK

Vulnerable company of UK are protected by the EU policies

EU policies manage the industrial freedom of the employee in the UK

Influence the industrial democratic system of workers.

Maintain Safety and healthy workplace in the UK business.


Taking help from the answer to Question 4.1 produce a report for LCC and recommend how these EU policies can benefit the organization for long term. (D2)

A report LCC

About the UN policies

Report introduction:

European Union is a combination of countries of the Europe. This union has some internal policies about business which influence on the UK business and others countries also. Those policies also influence on the industrial democracy.

About the report:

This report is about UN policies, the influence of UN policies impact on the democracy freedom and the lacking of the report.

The impact of UN policies of the industrial freedom of the UK employee:

EU policies influence the industrial democracy of workers of UK. Suppose the anti harassment policy make a women move freely in the workplace. They can join any workplace without mental problem like harassment problem. Trade policy is another derivative of EU which indicates the degree of freedom of an organization. By this policy an organization involve in the international business. Safety and healthy workplace is n important policy of EU by which an industrial freedom is measured. If the workplace is safe for the employee the employee get more democratic right thus EU policies influence the UK employee freedom.


The operate policy of EU must be helpful for the general people of the Europe.

The policy should be ensure the safety of the employee

It is very looked-for to generate a safety and healthy agency for the employees.

This must exist the democratic for the employer

EU policies must be business oriented

These policy must be helpful for the organization


Compare 3 methods used to gain employee participation and involvement in the decision making process in organizations (P10)

Employee involvement is an important factor of human resource management. Employee involvement is an important tool to create employee interest on the work. by the employee involvement an employee was given the duty and power to any work for this thy do it with satisfaction. There are many ways of delegation, giving authority method, proper communication method, information method etc.

Delegation: delegation is a process of delegate of work of the senior to the subordinate. In this process the supervisor gives responsibility to the subordinate to do any work with proper authority. This method is more effective than others.

Proper information method: by providing proper information about the organization manager can give the power to the employee. In this method employee can access the organization information.

Giving right technique:

Everyone likes power or be a member of authority. Giving power employee involvement can increase. This method is more effective than other methods.

Assess the impact of human resource management on employee relations (P11).

Human resource management (HRM) is one of the most important parts of any business success and achievement of a business depends on the HRM practices of that business. The main activities of the human resource management are recruitment, employee selection, providing proper training to the employee, employee performance measurement, workplace planning and provide the employee salary and wages.

The employee relation may influence by the human resource management’s Decisions and activities crate influence on the employee relation. Human resource management always focuses on the employee and organizational development.

Armstrong, M,(2003),

Function of the human resource management assesses impact by the following ways:

Employee selection policies and employee relation:

When an organization selects an employee then it considers the employee behaviors. Every company wants to select those employees who are more friendly and skilled. HRM want to take those people who are smart and active and would have loyal to the organization culture for this the new employee can easily cope with the organization. All of the above functions are very helpful to maintain employee relation.

Training and employee relation:

Providing training is an important function of the HRM. The employee relation depends much on the employee training and development. By giving training to the employee based on the employee relation may helpful to maintain the e3mployee relation.

Job design and employee relation:

Sometime HRM designs job of the employee based on some assumption. They think workplace is the best place to build up a relationship among the employee because employee spends most of his time in the workplace. Some time job design is based on the “help of other method” where an employee must have to take help from the other employee. This policy is very helpful for the management to build up an employee relationship.

Wages and salary method and employee relation:

The relationship between the employee and employer, and employee and management depend on the salary method. if an organization can’t pay the salary properly or on the fixed time the overall relationship among the management and employee may breakdown.

Work place planning and employee relation:

Employee relation depends much on the workplace planning. Safety and healthy workplace help employees to build up a relationship among them. Combine work for example will help employer to create a better relationship with them.

Stone, R. (1995)

Support your answer in P11 by critically evaluating the impact of any 3 HR practices in improving employee relations in a large organization of your choice (D3).

British American Tobago (BAT) is world famous company which is very much aware about the employee relation. The human resource management of BAT is responsible for the employee relation. in the below three human resource planning are discuss which improving the employee relation of the BAT.

Employee selection policies of BAT and employee relation:

When British American Tobago selects an employee then it considers the employee behaviors.

British American Tobago selects those employees who are more friendly and skilled. HRM want to take those people who are smart and active and would have loyal to the organization culture for this the new employee can easily cope with the organization. all of the above functions are very helpful to maintain employee relation in the BAT.

(LinkedIn, 2012)

Training of British American Tobago and employee relation:

Providing training is an important function of the HRM. The employee relation depends much on the employee training and development. By giving training to the employee based on the employee relation create helpful situation for BAT to maintain the e3mployee relation.

Job design of British American Tobago and employee relation: and employee relation:

British American Tobago designs job of the employee based on some assumption. They think workplace is the best place to build up a relationship among the employee because employee spends most of his time in the workplace. Some time job design is based on the “help of other method” where an employee must have to take help from the other employee. This policy is very helpful for the management to build up a employee relationship.

(LinkedIn, 2012)

Wages and salary method of British American Tobago and employee relation:

The relationship between the employee and employer, and employee and management depend on the salary method. if British American Tobago can’t pay the salary properly or on the fixed time the overall relationship among the management and employee may breakdown.


the word employee relation cannot use alone. If we want to ensure proper employee relation in the organization we have to manage the workplace conflict, negotiation process, and collective bargaining. We also know the different relationship theories.

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