Mba Exam Papers in Operation and Production Management


How would operations strategy for a service industry be different if any from that for a manufacturing industry? (It’s an example & explains)

Consider the following two mutually exclusive projects. The net cash flows are given below: NET CASH FLOWS years PROJECT A FROM PROJECT B 0 – Rs. 1,00,000 – Rs. 1,00,000/- 1 + Rs. 30,000 + Rs. 15,000/- 2 + Rs. 35,000 + Rs. 7,500/- 3 + Rs. 40,000 + Rs. 20,000/- 4 + Rs. 45,000 + Rs. 22,500/- 5 + Rs. 25,000/- 6 + Rs. 27,500/- 7 + Rs. 30,000/- 8 + Rs. 32,500/- If the desired rate of return is 10% which project should be chosen?
What are the levels of aggregation in forecasting for a manufacturing organization? How should this hierarchy of forecasts be linked and used?
How would forecasting be useful for operations in a BPO (Business processes outsourcing) unit? What factors may be important for this industry? Discuss.
A good work study should be followed by good supervision for getting good results. Explain with an example.
What is job evaluation? Can it be alternatively used as a job ranking? How does one ensure that job evaluation evaluates the job and not the man? Explain with examples?
What is the impact of technology on jobs? What are the similarities between job enlargement & job rotation? Discuss the importance of training in the content of job redesign? Explain with examples?
What is internet connectivity? How is it important into days business would with respect to materials requirement planning & purchasing? Explain with examples?
Would a project management organization be different from an organization for regular manufacturing in what ways? Examples.
How project evaluation different from project appraisal? Explain with examples.

SUBJECT: Production Management

What are the different types of production/operation system? Where would each one of them be applicable? Give practical examples.
What is flexibility in the operations function?
Can it be one of the strategic weapons? Explain your response.
What is the distinction between accounting profit & economic profit? How is such a distinction linked with the concept of opportunity cost?
What is the difference between the Scanlon & Rucker plans?
Productivity improvement is not a one-shot project Do you agree with this statement? Discuss
Is supply chain management a philosophy? Discuss
What is the aim of production planning?
What is forecasting? Elements of forecasting & Methods of forecasting?

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