K+12 Program in the Philippines : Necessary or Not?

K+12 Program in the Philippines : Necessary or Not? “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. ”(Mandela,2010). This quote states that education develops our world to more powerful. This is one of a reason why others want the K+12 program on the Philippines. Some are not in favor of this because they say that it is not the longer education is the solution and it is the improving of quality of education. Some say that K+12 in the Philippines is not necessary while I as a student agree for this program.
There are many reasons why I agree to have a K+12 Program in our country but there are three things that I think the most significant. First is to elevate the quality of education. This important because we all know that we have poor quality of education compared to the other countries. According to Isagani Cruz(2010)“The poor quality of basic education is reflected in the low achievement scores of Filipino students. One reason is that students do not get adequate instructional time or time on task. He said that our current number of years in school are not enough to fulfill the main objective of the lessons in school. We can see that some are graduated in high school but they still not ready to take their college life. Longer years of education can increase the preparedness of students on their career. Second is to inspire the students to study harder. “International test results consistently show Filipino students lagging way behind practically everybody else in the world.
In the 2008 mathematics exam, for example, we came in dead last. “(Cruz,2010). Some students graduated easily forgets what they have learned from their teachers. When they are ask by their younger family member or friend they fail to recall what the answer or if its a mathematical problem they already forgot how to solve it. Longer years in school can help us to not to be embarrassed when someone is asking things that we have studied. Third is according to Joe Padre “Most graduates are too young to enter the labor force. He said that most of our graduates is not on their right age to work. Some cannot find a job suited for him. If we will have a K+12 Program the problem about age will be disappeared and it can be easy for them to find a good job. These reasons why K+3 program in the Philppines is necessary can be a great help in improving our knowledge about it. For me it is necessary in the philippines even though we will spend much more money for this.

Money is not a reason to refuse this program, time will come after I graduated from college I know that I will have a good life. Many people refuse this program, most of them tell that it is the quality of education not the longer years in school but how can we have good quality of education if the years in school are not enough for what they want to have. K+12 program is necesary in our country because it is the only way to improve the quality of education in our country. Now, we will have a more productive people in the Philipppines.

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