Essay On Sample Marketing Plan

The important point to remember is that the marketing plan is a document signed to present concise, cohesive information about a company’s marketing objectives to managers, lending institutions, and others who are involved in creating and carrying out the firm’s overall business strategy. Five-Year Marketing Plan Blue Sky Clothing, Inc. five-year marketing plan for Blue Sky Clothing has been created by its two founders to secure additional funding for growth and to inform employees of the company’s current status and direction.
Although Blue Sky was launched only three years ago, the firm has experienced greater-than-anticipated demand for its rodents, and research as shown that the target market of sport-minded consumers and sports retailers would like to buy more casual clothing than Blue Sky currently offers. They are also interested in extending their product line as well as adding new product lines. In addition, Blue Sky plans to explore opportunities for online sales.
The marketing environment has been very receptive to the firm’s high-quality goods -?casual clothing in trendy colors with logos and slogans that reflect the interests of outdoor enthusiasts around the country. Over the next five year, Blue Sky can increase its distribution, offer new products, and win new customers. COMPANY DESCRIPTION Blue Sky Clothing was founded three years ago by entrepreneurs Lucy Neumann and Nick Russell, Neumann has an undergraduate degree in marketing and worked for several years in the retail clothing industry. Russell operated an adventure business called Go West! Which arranges group trips to locations in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho, before selling the enterprise too partner. Neumann and Russell, who have been friends since college, decided to develop and market a line of clothing with a unique-?yet universal-?appeal to outdoor enthusiasts. Blue Sky Clothing reflects Newsman’s and Russell passion for the outdoors. The company’s original cotton T-shirts, baseball caps, and fleece Jackets and vests bear logos of different sports-?such as kayaking, mountain climbing, bicycling, skating, surfing, and horseback riding.

But every item shows off the company’s slogan: “Go Sample Marketing Plan By June-Aster Play Outside KY sells clothing tort boot men and women, in the hottest colors with the coolest names-?such as sunrise pink, sunset red, twilight purple, desert rose, cactus green, ocean blue, mountaintop white, and river rock gray. Blue Sky attire is currently carried by small retail stores that specialize in outdoor clothing and gear. Most of these stores are concentrated in northern New England, California, the Northwest, and a few states in the South.
The high quality, trendy colors, and unique message of the clothing have gained Blue Sky a following among consumers between the ages of 25 and 45. Sales have tripled in the last year alone, and Blue Sky is currently working to expand its manufacturing capabilities. Blue Sky is also committed to giving back to the community by contributing to local conservation programs. Ultimately, the company would like to develop and fund its own environmental programs. This plan will outline how Blue Sky intends to introduce new products, expand its distribution, enter new markets, and give back to the community.

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