Diversional Therapist Responsibilities on Elderly Care


I am from Gujarat India and currently living in the New Zealand. Today I am going to share some things about elderly care. I am studying diversional therapy and currently working as caregiver in Selwyn foundation so I am more update with elderly care and its policy and changes. It is very challenging and responsible to work with the elderly but along with that it is very enjoyable job to understand elderly its care, policy, rules and regulation.

Moreover I would like to share valuable information on recent changes in health policies “health of older people policy 2002” to “elderly healthcare policy 2016”, and its initiatives and how this affects on the diversional therapist currency of practice in the New Zealand. This report reflects how and which changes takes place in elderly care policy and about diversional therapist responsibilities on elderly care.

Definition of Diversional therapy practice

Diversional therapist can practice with elderly people and abilities to facilitate and design recreation and leisure activities, these activities are designed for the support psychological, emotional, spiritual, social, and physical wellbeing of individuals.

The Diversional Therapist provides opportunities where elderly people may choose to participate in recreation activities which are help for personal fulfillment and to promote self-esteem. The Diversional Therapist create an environment where elderly people take participation and improve in decision making moreover elderly people can  manage, develop and enjoy recreational programmes. In the New Zealand the government and health ministry has good planning for the New Zealand old age population so they introduce new term which is Diversional therapy or activity coordinator, recreational therapist because of this, elderly care has got new direction toward goal of 2016 policy “age well, live well and passing their life with respectful end of life in age friendly communities.”

Diversional therapy is only therapy which is applicable without any medication and medical instruments. It is all about divers or divert concentration or shifting a thinking process from one to another.

Importance of keeping current with best practice

 Diversional therapy practices are require and it is important to be available in every rest homes and hospital settings, rehabilitation centers for the quality care and to achieve goal of the New Zealand health policy 2016 “age well, live well and passing their life with respectful end of life in age friendly communities.”

It is important to keep as a best practice because in diversional therapy there is no condition, no limitation, no restriction it is easy to applicable with recreational tools.

As of now in the New Zealand diversional therapy has initial level of practice but by the time its practice method and professional standards and levels should be upgrade then only it has considered best currency of practice in diversional therapy.

One recent change in the elderly care health policy (less than 10 years)

The ministry of the health New Zealand introduced new New Zealand policy “2016 for elderly care” which is replacing the “health of older people policy 2002.”

In “health of older people policy 2002.” policy focusing only health and wellbeing and in family, and community life but the new “elderly healthcare policy 2016” is about to improve the health of elderly and throughout their later years.

The “elderly healthcare policy 2016” has completely new elements which is ageing well acute and restorative care, supporting people with, high and complex needs, living well with long term conditions, respectful end of life, Implementation, measurement and review. The healthy ageing policy vision is that elderly peoples are “age well, live well and passing their life with respectful end of life in age friendly communities.”

One recent change in the elderly care health initiatives (less than 20 years)

In 2002 policy “health of older people policy 2002.”  Only the focus area is population-based health initiatives and policies different programmes only promote health and wellbeing in older age. The main things, older people can timely access to community health and primary services that proactively improve and maintain their health.

Achieving the goal and vision for the new New Zealand “elderly care policy 2016” has good implementation and commitment, participation of the many people working in the health and social system with cooperation with NGOs, communities, older peoples and their families.

For the better implementation of the healthy “elderly care policy 2016” fund, planning and good transparent service introduced for make sure the elderly people really get benefits and opportunity to live a really good life.

It’s all about one team work including health professions, community, elderly families everyone together to support elderly peoples.

The impact of the change on diversional therapy practice

On the practice of diversional therapy had great impact while the introduced new “elderly care policy 2016” which include  provide quality elderly life, respect to elderly , cooperation with elderly and their families and other health care professionals, raises fund and planning more recreational activities which is meaningful to the elderly, good and transparent services.

For the better outcome increase the number of diversional therapist with good knowledge and qualification. The practice of diversional therapy continues to be relevant and viable, contributing to the wellbeing of elderly and to the community; Moreover, encouraging education, professional and personal development for the diversional therapy up gradation.


I want to focus two main areas which are elderly care and its policy, and diversional therapy on elderly care.

Elderly care and its policy wants to reviews and updating by time to time hence can provide good and affective elderly healthcare services which can benefits for elderly peoples; moreover, policy should be transparent and easy to understand and easy to implement.

In elderly, how much important to take medication for being healthy elderly same important role diversional therapy playing for fitness of mental, emotional, recreational, intellectual development in elderly.


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