External link to Relationship Between Politics and Public Relations

Relationship Between Politics and Public Relations

‘Politics influence the media in the UK’. Describe and evaluate the validity of this statement. The media as an important channel for public awareness of the political world have been regarded as the main targets the government and politicians tend to control, and even in the United Kingdom where the journalism industry has a long history serving for public service. As the public relations has […]

External link to Colonialism and Immigration Restriction Act of 1901

Colonialism and Immigration Restriction Act of 1901

Are Colonialism and the “Immigration Restriction Act of 1901” really dead in Australia? In this essay I will propose that colonialism and the ‘Immigration Restriction Act aka White Australia policy’,[1] are not dead, not just yet anyway. I will briefly outline some of the tensions in the community which led to the implementation of this policy in 1901. I will also investigate how the media […]

External link to Effect of Social Media on Turkish Politics

Effect of Social Media on Turkish Politics

Social media and their participatory role in Turkish politics Abstract Social movements have been definitely affected by information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the digital age. Today, they are mostly organized through social media where individuals can communicate easily with each other. In Turkey under an authoritarian regime where mass media have been increasingly controlled, regulated, and censored by the government, social media has been […]

External link to The Blair Doctrine | Historical Perspective

The Blair Doctrine | Historical Perspective

The Tony Blair Doctrine and its Interpretation in History 1997 – 2007 Abstract                  The ‘Blair doctrine’ and its interpretation in history 1997–2007 exemplify a Britain reliving the past in its foreign affairs ideology. Predicated on ‘Liberal Humanitarian Intervention’ and the ‘Just War Theory’, the ‘Blair Doctrine’ of 1997–2007 is a sort of nostalgia. Demoted Britain revealed its insecurity attempting to give to the world […]

External link to Multilateral Approach to Climate Change

Multilateral Approach to Climate Change

MULTILATERALISM & CLIMATE CHANGE What will it take for the US to embrace a multilateral approach to confront climate change? In your answer, please consider: Overall US attitudes toward multilateralism and global governance What terms for a successor agreement to the Kyoto Protocol might the US find acceptable? According to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (n.d.) (UNFCCC), climate change is a complex […]

External link to Donald Trump’s Views on Immigrants

Donald Trump’s Views on Immigrants

“Making America Great Again”: Not Really According to President Donald Trump “When Mexico sends its people, They’re not sending their best. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists, and some, I assume are good people” (CNN). When President Donald Trump says things about immigrants that they’re supposedly bringing drugs, crimes, and that they’re rapists he says this without knowing how they are. The reason […]

External link to Causes of the Financial Crisis

Causes of the Financial Crisis

Research paper on the causes of financial crisis and why they are contagious: Use a financial crisis case study to highlight the answer. Introduction Financial crisis occurs when there is instability in the finance systems which pose danger to the economic, political, social and international affairs leading to decisive changes. It will reveal perspectives on the functioning situation of monetary economies. Financial crisis does not […]

External link to Impact of Political Economy of Inflation

Impact of Political Economy of Inflation

How does the political economy of inflation impact on different social and economic groups?  Introduction It is precisely because inflation is a highly controversial notion from an economic perspective that political economists have developed a particular interest for its political implications. The vast majority of the literature regarding the political economy of inflation seeks to demonstrate that macroeconomic indicators are inherently political. In other words, […]

External link to Consequences and Benefits of Liberalism

Consequences and Benefits of Liberalism

Liberalism as a political idea has become far too complicated. It appears there is as much liberalism as there are liberals. Some of which are: libertarianism, classical liberalism, bleeding heart liberalism, economic liberalism, political liberalism, social liberalism, high liberalism, objectivism, anarcho-capitalism, and most popularly neo-liberalism. It is safe to say that these numerous views on Liberalism amount to an opaque understanding of liberalism, which needs […]

External link to Separatism and Conflict in Catalonia

Separatism and Conflict in Catalonia

Abstract The following research paper focuses on Catalonia’s desire for Independence. The study was carried out on a week-long field school in Barcelona, Northern Spain. Throughout this study, the history, culture and politics and the evolved landscape of the city was analysed. These aspects were analysed to enable us to get a vivid understanding of the conflict that has taken place in Catalonia throughout its […]

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