External link to Delivering Banking Facilities for the Disabled

Delivering Banking Facilities for the Disabled

Healthy Banking: The way towards increased financial inclusion Contents Abstract Introduction Recommendations A. Sight Impaired B. Hearing loss C. Physical disabilities Conclusion References Abstract The Bank of Mauritius’ initiative ‘Banking Your Future’ to promote a fair and inclusive banking sector has been launched in June 2014 to investigate the 100 possible ways in which the banking sector could be improved. Based on the above project, this […]

External link to Islamic Banking in Malaysia | Research Introduction

Islamic Banking in Malaysia | Research Introduction

Chapter 1 Introduction Background of Studies Islamic Banking is a banking system that based on Islamic Law (Shariah). It follows the Shariah, called fiqh muamalat (Islamic rules on transactions). The rules and practices of fiqh muamalat came from the Quran and the Sunnah, and other secondary sources of Islamic law such as opinions collectively agreed among Shariah scholars (ijma’), analogy (qiyas) and personal reasoning (ijtihad). […]

External link to Allied Irish Bank SWOT Analysis and Strategic Evaluation

Allied Irish Bank SWOT Analysis and Strategic Evaluation

Allied Irish Bank performed the Market Entry Strategy to expand their business size. Stated below is the brief of their strategic evaluation in the aspect of suitability feasibility & acceptable. Suitability – Build on/exploit strengths In the late 1990s and early/mid-2000s, and capitalized on the buoyant housing market, booming business banking profits and much lower write-offs than in previous years, such profitability and growth have […]

External link to Impact of Foreign Bank Entry on Host Country

Impact of Foreign Bank Entry on Host Country

Literature Review In many countries, the entry of foreign banks has been increased on a high scale during the 1990s especially in the countries which are less developed. Due to financial linearization policies, the entry of foreign banks operations increased during the early 1990s which in turn allowed foreign banks to set up their branches in host country and performing their operations (Claessens, et al. […]

External link to Functions of Investment Banks

Functions of Investment Banks

A Critical Discussion of the Major Functions Performed by Investment Banks. Glossary (Jump to) Abstract  Chapter 1 –The Major Functions of Investment Banks  Summary Bills of Exchange  Corporate Finance Investment Management  Chapter 2 – Conclusions and Recommendations Bibliography Abstract Investment banks evolved as a result of lucrative merchant centers located in the north of Italy, Belgium as well as Holland from the 17th through 19th centuries. […]

External link to Electronic Banking in Pakistan | Dissertation

Electronic Banking in Pakistan | Dissertation

Electronic Banking in Pakistan 1. PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND 1.1. INTRTODUCTION As the world has entered the twenty first century, one thing has become all too apparent, any organization that wishes to succeed in today’s cutthroat competition will have to embrace Information Technology (IT) with fervor. In this age of Information Technology new inventions and innovations are affecting all the fields of life. Almost all […]

External link to Regulatory Framework for UK Banks

Regulatory Framework for UK Banks

Introduction Berger, Molyneux and Wilson (2010) are of the view that banks provide a full range of financial services like banking, securities, and insurance under a single corporate structure and must be supported by the single capital base, the term “universal bank” has multiple meanings, but commonly it refers to the commercial banking that is making loans and collecting deposits along with investment banking in […]

External link to Importance of Cost Reduction and Control

Importance of Cost Reduction and Control

Assignment on financial principles and techniques Introduction Strategic investment decision making indicates the process of identifying, evaluating, and selecting among projects which are more likely to have significant effect on the organization’s competitive advantage. More clearly, the decision influences what the organization does (i.e., the set of product and service attributes that are offerings of the organization), where it does it (i.e., the structural characteristics […]

External link to Islamic Banking Systems in the UK

Islamic Banking Systems in the UK

Ch. 1 Introduction This chapter provides a brief background of Islamic banking in the world as well as in the UK about its system and practice. The Islamic financial law has long history but Islamic banking and finance industry came into existence with Profit and Loss Sharing investment. Egypt’s Mit Ghamr Saving Banks in 1963. After official existence Islamic banking has grown in the area […]

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